
Showing posts from January, 2019

Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students

Hello, this is the first blog for my Compilers Design course. This entry is going to talk about an article titled: "Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students who will (Most Likely) Never Design a Compiler", by Saumya Debray. Basically, the author talks about the principles, techniques, and tools used during compiler design courses and how those aspects are applicable to a great variety of situations that aren’t exactly considered as compiler design.   First of all, it introduces the article telling us that that Compiler design courses are part of the bases courses imparted to a Computer Science undergraduate at most universities. But the problem is that students didn’t get interested in applying those courses for a real compiler implementation and they are aware of this as they don’t consider that course as relevant. They prefer or think that operating systems or networking courses are better for them.  I really felt identified with this argument, because before read...

Introducing Myself

Hey, my name is José Antonio Malo de la Peña. I think must of you know me as Yuso. I'm at 8th semester of   Computer Science major at Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Estado de México. I'm not sure what am I expecting from this course, but I want to improve my programming skills while learning a new programming language, in this case, C#. Also, I would like to understand how a compiler works. I think this course is going to be a very interesting challenge. My principal hobbies are: Music. I love listening to music. Specially Avenged Sevenfold, The Beatles, Simple Plan, Joan Sebastian, Dvicio and Morat. As you can see, I don't have a favorite music genre.  Soccer. I play soccer since I was a kid. Despite it is one of my passions, I'm not always happy with it. The reason? It consists of two words: Cruz Azul. Video games. I spent some time playing games like Halo, FIFA, Fortnite, Dark Souls, Resident Evil and The Legend of Zelda. My favorite TV pro...